TryHackMe: Advent of Cyber - Day 13 - They Lost The Plan!
This is a write up for the Day 13 - They Lost The Plan! challenge in the Advent of Cyber room on TryHackMe. Some tasks may have been omitted as they do not require an answer.
Complete the username: p…..
Open the Command Prompt and type net users
Answer: pepper
What is the OS version?
Run systeminfo
Answer: 10.0.17763 N/A Build 17763
What backup service did you find running on the system?
Run wmic service list | findstr "Backup"
Answer: IperiusSvc
What is the path of the executable for the backup service you have identified?
Answer: C:\Program Files (x86)\Iperius Backup\IperiusService.exe
Run the whoami command on the connection you have received on your attacking machine. What user do you have?
Answer: the-grinch-hack\thegrinch
What is the content of the flag.txt file?
Run cd C:\Users\thegrinch\Documents
Run type flag.txt
Answer: THM-736635221
The Grinch forgot to delete a file where he kept notes about his schedule! Where can we find him at 5:30?
Run type Schedule.txt
Answer: jazzercize
In this task we learnt:
- How to conduct Windows Privilege Escalation