TryHackMe: Enumerating and Exploiting SMTP

1 minute read

This is a write up for the Enumerating and Exploiting SMTP tasks of the Network Services 2 room on TryHackMe. Some tasks have been omitted as they do not require an answer.

First, lets run a port scan against the target machine, same as last time. What port is SMTP running on?

Lets use nmap a little differently this time. SMTP usually runs on port 25, so lets look at that port specifically in the first instance.

nmap -A -p 25 <ip>

Answer: 25

Okay, now we know what port we should be targeting, let’s start up Metasploit. What command do we use to do this?

Answer: msfconsole

Let’s search for the module “smtp_version”, what’s it’s full module name?

search smtp_version

Answer: auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_version

Great, now- select the module and list the options. How do we do this?

Answer: options

Have a look through the options, does everything seem correct? What is the option we need to set?

RHOSTS needs to be set.

Answer: RHOSTS

Set that to the correct value for your target machine. Then run the exploit. What’s the system mail name?

set RHOSTS <ip>

Answer: polosmtp.home

What Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is running the SMTP server? This will require some external research.

Answer: Postfix

Good! We’ve now got a good amount of information on the target system to move onto the next stage. Let’s search for the module “smtp_enum”, what’s it’s full module name?

Answer: auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_enum

What option do we need to set to the wordlist’s path?


Once we’ve set this option, what is the other essential paramater we need to set?

Answer: RHOSTS

Now, run the exploit, this may take a few minutes, so grab a cup of tea, coffee, water. Keep yourself hydrated!

set RHOSTS <ip>
set USER_FILE /usr/share/seclists/Usernames/top-usernames-shortlist.txt

Okay! Now that’s finished, what username is returned?

Answer: administrator

What is the password of the user we found during our enumeration stage?

hydra -t 16 -l administrator -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -vV <ip> ssh

Hydra will take a while to run…

Answer: alejandro

Great! Now, let’s SSH into the server as the user, what is contents of smtp.txt

ssh administrator@<ip>

cat smtp.txt

Answer: THM{who_knew_email_servers_were_c00l?}


In this task we learnt how to:

  • Load and execute modules in metasploit
  • Use Hydra to crack the administrator password
